Please use the form below to send us your qualifications and resume. By doing so you will help us more accurately match current and future career opportunities to your background, experience and career aspirations.
48 Hour Waiver
The working time Regulations 1998 (the regulations) require the company to limit your average weekly working time 48 hours per week unless that you agree with the company that the hours do not apply to you. The company wished to have an agreement with you. It proposes and agreement (which shall apply until terminated by notice) on the basis that:
This is the case whether or not you reach an agreement with the company about waiving working time limits.
Please give contact details of current and most recent employers.
I declare that I have answered all the questions honestly and fully. I realise that any incomplete or false statement on my part will render me liable to my registration, application for a Perm or Temp work to be withdrawn. I agree that the information given on this form may be used for registration purposes under the data protection legislation.
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